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Cintas stock price reaches an all-time high: Thom Guidi quoted in the Cincinnati Business Courier

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Thom Guidi, CFA, spoke with Steve Watkins of the Cincinnati Business Courier about Cintas Corp.’s rising stock price. Here is an excerpt from the story:

"Cintas has been on a tear all year, gaining 24% since 2020 ended. Then again, that’s in line with how stocks in general have performed this year, especially the big companies. The S&P 500 index also is up 24% this year.

“It’s a case of a rising tide lifting all boats,” Tom Guidi, co-chief investment officer at Kenwood-based investment advisory firm Foster & Motley, told me.

Beyond that, though, he sees multiple factors lifting Cintas these days. Two dynamics dominating the economy play right into Cintas’ hands."

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