My F&M

Protect what you’ve earned.
Grow to serve your future.


Capitalize on your success with top-tier service.

Investments between $1,000,000 & $5,000,000

Wealth management is about protecting what you have,
as well as growing for the future.

Major life changes often affect our financial health in unexpected ways. Whether you’ve received an inheritance, or a new job offer, are re-plotting your life journey after a divorce, or are simply ready to look at your retirement opportunities more closely — a clear picture of your financial health can be hard to assemble, but is critical to achieving your goals.

We can help you get a handle on all these financial complexities life throws at you, from tax, retirement and estate planning to career transitions. Your Financial Planner and Investment Manager will help you examine the whole picture of your financial health, and put your money where it will work hardest for you. Be confident in your next step with our comprehensive Prime service.

Begin your wealth journey with Foster & Motley.

Let’s set up your first meeting with a professional financial advisor today.

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Control your financial picture from all angles.
Expanded services to meet your growing financial needs.

Initial Consultation

We work with you to understand your goals and what you want your money to do for you.

  • Establish goals
  • Gather data
  • Onboarding to your financial dashboard and secure document storage
  • Account transfers
  • Meet your F&M team
Dedicated Professionals

At the ready, your entire team stays close to you and your finances.

  • Dedicated and credentialed Investment Manager
  • Dedicated and credentialed Financial Planner
  • Experienced client service specialists
Ongoing Meetings

Trust is paramount in any wealth management relationship. We make time for ongoing face-to-face meetings to fit your schedule and supplement with consistent communication.

  • In-office or virtual meetings
  • Offsite meetings
  • Ongoing communication
Net Worth Analysis

We build a clear picture of your net worth including all assets and liabilities, even beyond the accounts we manage.

  • Asset and liability evaluation
  • Up-to-date information available on demand
  • Simple layout ensuring clarity
Cash Flow Analysis

We map and anticipate how money moves in your life.

  • 5-year income and expense projection
  • Optimized savings strategies
  • Social Security maximization planning
Tax Planning

We identify opportunities to minimize your taxes, in order to maximize your wealth.

  • Customized tax minimization strategies
  • Annual year-end tax review
  • Coordination with your CPA
Estate Planning

Design a path that seeks to meet your legacy goals.

  • Flow chart of estate distribution 
  • Review of titling and beneficiary designations 
  • Analysis of irrevocable, revocable, and family trusts
College Planning

We help you create a plan to fund your family’s education goals.

  • Assistance with defining education goals
  • Optimized education savings strategies
  • Multigenerational education funding strategies
Retirement Analysis

Advice tailored to your personal lifestyle goals for complete confidence in life’s next chapter.

  • Assistance with defining retirement goals
  • Optimized retirement savings strategies
  • Advanced scenario planning
  • Develop tax-efficient retirement income strategies
Insurance Analysis

We assess and align your existing coverage with protecting your savings and financial future.

  • Life insurance needs analysis
  • Disability insurance needs analysis
  • Long-term care insurance needs analysis
  • Coordination with insurance professionals for implementation
Stock Option Planning

We develop strategies to maximize the value of your stock options.

  • Analyze the value of stock options
  • Develop option exercise strategy
  • Evaluate income tax implications
Outside Assets

We help you monitor all investments including your 401ks and private real estate.

  • On demand access to your net worth 
  • View all of your investments in one streamlined report 
  • Analyze options and make investment recommendations for employer plans
  • Annuity analysis for existing policies
Private Investment Opportunities

We source exclusive investment opportunities and conduct due diligence to diversify client portfolios.

  • Research and conduct due diligence
  • Source exclusive, private investments in limited partnerships
  • Local and national real estate ventures
Family Involvement

We help facilitate conversations about the transfer of your wealth.

  • Individual or group meetings with family members on request
  • Connect your next generation to the right financial resources
Charitable Giving

Sharing your passion, we explore every angle to make sure your wealth goes as far as possible in serving the causes close to your heart.

  • Evaluate tax-efficient giving strategies
  • Facilitate gifts to charity
  • Help define personal charitable legacy goals


Why should I work with Foster & Motley?

Foster & Motley’s fee-only approach to financial planning and investment management puts you first, and ensures our goals always align with making sure you reach yours. As fiduciaries, our foremost priority is to build solid, trusted relationships with our clients. Our advisors hold top industry credentials such as Certified Financial Planner® (CFP®), Chartered Financial Analyst ® (CFA®), and Certified Public Accountant (CPA). Your team of dedicated advisors will intimately know your financial situation and work diligently to help you navigate your financial terrain with unbiased advice.

What’s involved in the first meeting?

The first meeting is about getting to know you.  We are here to listen and learn about your goals.  There is no cost for the initial meeting, and you can bring as little or as much information as you wish.  Investment account statements and a recent tax return are helpful to facilitate the conversation but are not necessary. Our goal in the first meeting is to determine if we are a good fit for working together.

How do I get started?

It’s important that we lay the foundation for your success with a thorough onboarding process.  We are here to make the transition as smooth as possible.  Our team will assist you with opening accounts, transferring assets, setting up your financial dashboard, and arranging secure document storage.  When it comes to your finances, we are your main point of contact.

What ongoing communication can I expect?

Consistent and frequent communication is essential to helping you reach your financial goals.  We have regular meetings to make sure we stay on top of your most pressing financial questions and provide reports on a quarterly basis that keep you up-to-date on what is happening in your accounts. You can also expect regular emails containing our market commentary, newsletter, and other relevant financial topics.


Foster & Motley’s fee-only approach to financial planning and investing puts you, our client, first, and ensures our goals always align with making sure you reach yours.

We do not accept commissions, referral fees, or other payments from any vendors. We are completely independent from all financial product providers. Once you engage with us, we will always be available to listen, answer questions, and provide insight about your financial and investing needs.


Investments starting
below $1,000,000


Investments between
$1,000,000 and $5,000,000


Investments starting
above $5,000,000

The basics and beyond: tailored services to maximize value while minimizing cost.

on assets under management, billed quarterly
(subject to a quarterly minimum of $2,500)

Our Essential service fee includes a combination of Financial Planning and Investment Management to clients who currently have less than $1 million of investable assets but expect to exceed $1 million of investable assets in the future. Individual situations vary significantly, so our service can be customized to include the mix of Financial Planning and Investment Management services that is best for you.

Begin your wealth journey with Foster & Motley.

Let’s set up your first meeting with a professional financial advisor today.

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